Zine Fest
Powderhorn ParkSocially distant, covid cautious, food and friends, no registration required, Powderhorn Park. Come join us!
Contact Us if you would like an event added to our calendar.
Socially distant, covid cautious, food and friends, no registration required, Powderhorn Park. Come join us!
When: Wed, June 9, 6:30pm – 8:00pm Where: ZOOM Description: Whittier Alliance is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84235744084?pwd=TU1uTjI1VFFZOXJrWmo0NkhLVGpVdz09 Meeting ID: 842 3574 4084 Passcode: 019282 One tap mobile +16465588656,,84235744084#,,,,*019282# US (New York) +13017158592,,84235744084#,,,,*019282# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 […]
Come reconnect with your neighbors and meet new friends. Live Music by Pan Dimensions, colorful Caribbean steel drums, & Thomasina Petrus and Friends. Free from the grill: All Beef Hot Dogs, plus preschool activities by Whittier Wildflowers, and a kids zone by Calvary Kids Village. Vendors: Ingridients Trinidad Street Food, Calvary Youth's Costa Rican Sweet […]
All are welcome! For more information on this meeting and to join please visit #announcements in our discord.
Join us Saturday, July 10th for a free sale/market at the Whittier Community Center. The Really Really Free Market is an experiment in community and giving, a window into an actual gift economy. Everything here is FREE: offer what you’d like to give and take what you would like to receive. Food, music, and conversation […]
Our monthly meeting will be Sunday, 7/25, from 3:00-4:15. Our main focus will be on optimizing the Discord for both usability and functionality through the use of roles, tags, and general design/layout. The agenda for this meeting can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mOdBxIrBQvwiq77iddmL51JkW3eY9rU_5BSzEOO5O84/edit?usp=sharing All are welcome! For more information on this meeting and to join please […]
Join us as we discuss the issues surrounding our neighborhood's built environment and steps we can take toward solving them. The call will be held via Jitsi Meet, a free open source video conferencing platform. You can join the meeting by clicking here.
Join us Saturday, August 7th for a free sale/market at the Whittier Community Center. The Really Really Free Market is an experiment in community and giving, a window into an actual gift economy. Everything here is FREE: offer what you’d like to give and take what you would like to receive. Food, music, and conversation […]
For more information please visit their website: https://www.calvarychurchmpls.org/upcoming-events/2021/8/11/summer-block-party
Whittier Alliance main office (10 E 25th St.) - most of the time will be spent discussing the #urban-design converstation. Community safety and outreach will be discussed too.
Our monthly meeting will be Sunday, 8/22, from 3:00-4:15. This announcement will be updated with further information as it becomes available.
Join us Saturday, September 4th for a free sale/market at the Whittier Community Center. The Really Really Free Market is an experiment in community and giving, a window into an actual gift economy. Everything here is FREE: offer what you’d like to give and take what you would like to receive. Food, music, and conversation […]